Born: 3rd Century
Died: c304
Feast Day: 25th December (22nd
December in Orthodox Churches)
Patron Saint: Martyrs, Weavers, Widows, Those suffering from
Shrine: Cathedral
of Anastasia, Zadar, Italy.
Also known
as: Anastasia of Sirmium
Symbols in
Art: Palm Branch, Bowl of Fire (West), Martyrs Cross, Medicine
Pot (East)
Anastasia was born during the 3rd Century when persecutions of
Christians were prevalent. Her mother
was a secret Christian, her a father a wealthy noble pagan. Anastasia’s mother secretly had Anastasia
baptised and brought her up as a Christian.
One of her teachers was Saint Chysogonus.
was married off to Publius, a noble Roman pagan, after the death of her mother. Initially, he loved his wife, treating her
well but then, discovering her Christian ways, he confined her to the house and
treated her like a slave.
was appointed Ambassador to the King of Persia, he gave permission to his
servants to continue to mistreat Anastasia, while he was away, however, on his
journey, he was drowned. Anastasia was
free to help the poor and suffering, as a Christian.
spent a lot of time at the prisons helping Christian prisoners, jailed for
nothing more than their faith. She
healed many of poisoning and dressed wounds, ransoming those she could.
the arrest of Saint Chrysogonus, Anastasia, did what she could to help him as
he evangalised to the pagans in prison, until he was by headed on the order of
Diocletian, on 24th November 303.
continued her mission to the prisoners but one day discovered that all the holy
confessors had been brutally murdered on the order of the Emperor. As she wept, officers of the court asked her
why she was crying. She replied that the
brethren had been cruelly murdered. In
turn she was arrested and taken to the prefect Florus and then on to Diocletian,
who tried to get her to abandon Christianity.
She was
sent to the Upian, principle priest of the Capitol, he told her that he would
give her three days to reform, she replied that she would happily die for Jesus
Christ so three days was too long. He then
tried using three idolatrous women to persuade her and finally he tried to
sexually assault her. Upian immediately
was blinded and died a few days later.
Florus enraged at the death of Upian, threw Anastasia
in prison with the intention of starving her to death but the Lord preserved
her life. He moved her to a different
prison, assuming the jailer had not starved her, but the same thing happened. Florus then ordered her onboard a ship with
120 other people who he had chosen to sacrifice to the Gods. The ship was supposed to sink, having had
multiple holes bored into it. It filled
with water but found its way ashore. This
miracle converted all those on board.
She was
finally burnt on the Island of Palmarola.
A Christian lady took her remains and buried them in Zara. About 460, the relics were transferred to the
Church of the Resurrection in Constantinople.
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